
    New Book Release


    Awakening to Our Collective True Nature as Love with Rays of Hope & Reasons to Prevail



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    "Congratulations on a brilliant and useful book.

    LOVE’S NEW EARTH is coherent and comprehensive. It informs and empowers readers to act on the information.

    Kimberly and I are honored to be mentioned in the Rays of Hope and I am thrilled that you included the Declaration of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence. It’s getting more important each day."

    - Foster Gamble of Thrive: What on Earth Will It Take? & Thrive II: This Is What It Takes


    "I received your book... I want to thank you for writing it, and for the reminder that Love is all around us and it is what we are made of. I love the reinforcing focus on the fact that we can - and must - create a New World."

    - Penny Kelly, Author of The Revival, Path To A New Earth/New Human, as well as 5 books on Consciousness and Teacher of Intuition and a Naturopath


    "If you would like to move from being primarily motivated by fear to being primarily motivated by love, and you desire to understand what genuine freedom feels like, this book will be a reliable guide...It will alleviate the tendency to want to bury your head in the sand so you won’t see how dire the world situation is."

    - John G. Root, Jr. Author of Freedom Justice Community



    "If you’re interested in reading Freedom Mauran’s new book but aren’t sure if it’s for you, I recommend watching her interview with Jodi Powers. You’ll hear and experience Freedom’s integrity, high frequency, wisdom and perspective that all contribute to making both her and the interview engaging, fascinating and very useful. If you want to expand your awareness of life on Earth in greater depth, her latest book, Loves New Earth, shares personal experiences, deep research and vetted resources on that matter, coming from a place of higher love and on-the-ground navigating."
    -Susan Fine, Psy.D.
    Love’s New Earth is filled with wisdom, perspectives and insights! My heart was touched by the many stories illustrating the presence of the New Earth and I was truly impressed at the meticulous footnotes, both scientific and spiritual, that document so many many, points. They give the reader the confidence and knowledge to relax into trusting each point, providing the security we each want to feel!
    It takes the reader to higher and higher states ofself-reflection while reminding us to see ourselves through whole-ness instead of separation, and so we can bless ourselves and each other much like The Creator does for all of us.
    I truly deeply appreciate the resources in the Appendixand Rays of Hope section, and highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to feel more hopeful and empowered to create a positive future!
    ~Marika Ray, healer, intuitive, spiritual guide, emotion code practitioner and guardian of the Lightfield


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    Interview with Amy Hornblas on WMRW Warren VT, audio, 1 hour, July 2024

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    Audio Interview with Johnny Tan, June 2024 


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    Interview with Loretta Brown, June 2024 


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    On Fire for Life with Temple Hayes, video interview, 1 hour, May 2024 

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    Interview with Jodi Powers, video, one hour, May 2024


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    Creating a New Earth with Stephanie James, audio, 45 minutes, April 2024

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    Interview with Lisa Shermerhorn, video, one hour, April 2024

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    Interview with Les Jensen on New Human Living August 2024 , audio

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    Robert Manni, Guy's Guy

    October 2024

    awaiting the link....

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    28 minutes, audio



    Lewis Herm's Unity Tour September 30th, Lebanon NH, 5:30-8:30 pm I will be speaking for a few minutes, with 8 other speakers.

    Please come to this free event, register here.  


    Courtyard Hanover Lebanon

    10 Morgan Drive

    Lebanon, New Hampshire United States

    Get Directions


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    RAYS OF HOPE FOR THE NEW EARTH…and reasons to prevail. This is a sampling of people, ideas and organizations, teaching and demonstrating new ways of living and being, and safeguarding what is good, true and beautiful here on Earth. It is taken from the book Love's New Earth.
    As we each step into our brilliance, and our unique roles, we can applaud and support those who are already doing some of what needs to be done in order to create Love’s New Earth. New additions to the list are in brown. Read this list when you feel discouraged about the future of our world and become inspired and take action.

    AlternativeRadio,is“AudioEnergy for Democracy. Alternative Radio is an award-winning weekly one-hour public affairs program offered free to all public radio stations in the U.S., Canada, Europe and beyond. AR provides information, analyses, and views that are frequently ignored or
    distorted in corporate media.” https://www.alternativeradio.org/


    Anna Breytenbach, is an Animal communicator, who became well known when she communicated with a retired circus animal, a Black Leopard, who for 6 months had angrilyrefused to go outfrom its cage on to the open land that itwas free to enjoy. After Anna spoke with it, the leopard went out of its cage that afternoon. Herwebsite is https://animalspirit.org/


    Anneloes Smitsman, PhD.,is the authorof “Transition Plan for a Thrivable Civilization,” from the EARTHwiseCentre, which in CoCreation with the Four Worlds International Institute, has created a “Constitution for a Planetary Civilization.” An excerpt is in the Appendix of Resources.


    AwakenWholeness Center, LLC., in Rhode Island, is dedicated to the Awakening and Enlightenment of the Mind, Body,
    and Spirit, through the use of holistic practices, educational experiences and Consciousness-Raising Technologies for the purpose of
    empowering humanity to greater health, awareness, and oneness.
    Director Heather Newkirk is a skilled intuitive. www.AwakenWholenessCenter.com and Ross Newkirk’s website:ConsciousTechnologiesllc.com


    Building Biology Institute, has a mission to help create healthy homes, schools and workplaces, free of
    toxic indoor air, tap-water pollutants and hazards posed by electromagnetic radiation. By guiding people to an understanding of the vital and complex interrelationship between the natural and built environments, and teaching them the means for merging these complementary environments into greater harmony and planetary health. They have a directory of certified consultants at


    BetterWayConference, “Unveilinga Better Way for Health, Freedom & Sovereignty.


    Biodynamicsis a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food, and nutrition. https://www.biodynamics.com/what-is-biodynamics


    Biogeometry is the science of energy quality,developed by Dr.IbrahimKarim, an Egyptian Architect. Biogeometry tools enable “measurement of the quality of the life force of the Earth.”1 Buildings, materials, environments and technology, can be designed to foster health, healing and spiritual upliftment. For example, Biogeometry tools and devices can transform the detrimental quality of cell tower radiation to beneficial for biological life. His most recent book is Hidden Reality, The BioGeometry Physics of Quality, The Science of Subtle Energy and Life Force. “Paths of knowledge paved with universal truths will illuminate the heart to guide humanity along the “Way of Universal Unity” that will save the environment.” Pg.8.


    Bio-nutrientFood Association, works to increase the quality of the food supply us in enlightened self interest to create more nutrient dense and healthy foods. “We do not fight the forces... that we see as detrimental in the food system, but educate, organize & empower those who understand what it is we’re working on.” They work with growers, purveyors and consumers and are based in Massachusetts. https://www.bionutrient.org/


    Bodhivastu Foundation for Enlightened Activity is committed to the manifestation of an awakened society via the transformation of individuals. “Our energies and activities are dedicated to supporting a quantum awakening to the truth and functionality of our interdependence. Through the implementation of teaching curricula, individual training and practice, preservation and by benevolent projects, through our centers, we work
    to benefit all beings without exception. CatalyzingAwakening by Individual Transformation, Place and Design. Founded by LamaRangbar Nyimai Ozer who’s story I shared in chapter V. https://www.thegreatawakening.org/


    Branching Out, a high school mentoring program startedin Vermont, that matches people in the community with students wishing to learn from
    them. It has become BigPicture Schools, https://www.bigpicture.org/, and Eagle Rock School and Development Center in Colorado.https://www.eaglerockschool.org/


    Catherine Austin Fitts, andher company Solariis helping clientstolive a free and inspired financiallife.This includes building wealth in ways that build real wealth in the wider economy. They publishThe Solari Report. https://home.solari.com/about-us/


    CharlesEisenstein, an eloquent, soulful, poetic environmentalist is a voice for peace and sanity. Creatorof The Sanity Project and authorof fivebooks: SacredEconomics, The Coronation, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, The
    Ascent Of Humanity, and The Yoga of Eating. https://charleseisenstein.org/


    Children’s Health Defense, has a mission to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable and establish safeguards to prevent future harm. We fight corruption, mass surveillance and censorship that put profits before people as well as advocate for worldwide rights to health freedom and bodily autonomy. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/


    Client Earth, usesthe power of the law to protect all life on Earth, combining thousands of individual voices into one. They protect wildlife habitats, end pollution, protect forests and more, in the areas of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forests, Air, Clean Energy, Fossil Fuels, Trade, Plastics and Habitat protection. https://www.clientearth.org/


    DavidHudson, discovered Ormus, “ORME,” Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Element, a multidimensional substance that can be powerfully beneficial and rejuvenating forthe body, mind and spirit. It improves Nitrogen levels in plants, in the soil, in the roots, and improves overall growth. Ormus also improves crop yields, reduces transplant shock, increases drought tolerance, and supports nitrogen fixing bacteria. It also improves soil tilth and aeration, and increased vitamin and mineral content in the crop.2 It’smultidimensionality makes it a very unique substance.


    DarylAnka, channels Bashara non-physical entity, who’s message aligns well with the messages
    in this book. https://www.bashar.org/


    Dr.David Martin, is a Corporate Advisor, Entrepreneur, Financier, Storyteller, Professor and Inventor, he shows others how to remember what it means to put humanity into the human experience. Over the past 5 decades he’s fully lived and has done so in service to humanity. Unlike many who build an identity around accomplishments, he uses his actions to show others the vast extremes of possibility."
    https://www.davidmartin.world/shop/ The documentary Future Dreaming at https://www.davidmartin.world/future-dreaming/,isinspiring, uplifting and educational.


    Dr.Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project,which shared first hand accounts of free energy, powering flying objects, which he says the US government has been using in a shadow government for decades 3He calls for a grassroots effort to have the US Government inquire into the presence of this shadow government and its technologies that have been usurped from the people of the United States and the world. If we all had free energy, it would mean that our houses could be heated and cooled without pollution, it would mean we could heat greenhouses in northern climates to grow ample, healthy food in winter, it would mean pollution-free transportation and so much more. There are forces at work to keep these technologies from being shared, and Dr. Greer is working to untangle the net of control. He also made The Lost Century and How To Reclaim It, a documentary (availablefrom Amazon), on free energy inventors, and at the end, he illustrates the New Earth that is possible when we freely share free energy technology to all humanity.


    OracleGirl, offers public talks, group & personal purifications entirely by donation. She says: “The future is positive. Dream. Rebuild
    your societies. Purify yourself and all beings." https://www.oraclegirl.org/.


    Dr.Joe Dispenza, is a neuroscientist, researcher, chiropractor, author and inspiring international lecturer who educates people on how to rewire their brains to use their full creativepotential. He offers workshops, meditations and books on reconditioning bodies and exercising the mind. https://drjoedispenza.com/


    Earthships:“is a style of architecture developed in the late 20th century to early 21st century by architect MichaelReynolds. Earthships are designed to behave as passive solar earth shelters made of both natural and upcycled materials such as earth-packed tires. Earthships may feature a variety of amenities and aesthetics, and are designed to withstand the extreme temperatures of a desert, managing
    to stay close to 70 °F (21 °C) regardless of outside weather conditions.” (FromWikipedia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthship


    Epoch Times Association is dedicated to seeking the truth through insightful and independent journalism, standing outside of political interests and the pursuit of profit, in order to serve the public benefit and be truly responsible to society. https://www.theepochtimes.com/about-us#our-story


    EWGSkin Deep, learnwhat’s really in your personal care products. https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/


    FarmMatch. Com, is creating a decentralized, regenerative, food system, where buyers and farmers can get connected. Just put your zip code into the search bar, tolocatenearby farms. https://www.farmmatch.com/search?q. In addition, the Westin A. Price Foundation https://www.westonaprice.org/#gsc.tab=0 has a list of local farmers to buy from as well.


    Findhorn Foundation In 1962, David and Eileen Caddy, their two children and Dorothy, a friend, moved into a trailer park on a windswept sandy Scottish shoreline. They planted a garden and later began communicating with the devas, the elementals and the nature spirits, largely out of
    necessity to grow food. The communication led to a partnership with the hidden conscious energies that form the structure of the physical world, and a magnificent garden resulted. The Findhorn Garden, Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation, by the Findhorn Community. It’s foreword, by William Irwin Thompson, is one of several books dedicated to “an exploration of the newly emerging planetary society and the future evolution of man.”4 


    Fosterand Kimberly Gamble, started the Free to Thrive movement. Thrive II: This Is What It Takes, byFoster and Kimberly Gamble is a must watch documentary for anyone wishing to know what it takes to create a new kind of Earth it chronicles a search for free energy devices and he discovers one made by a man inAfrica. With free energy, the entire game is changed on Earth. Foster’s much needed Declarationof Ethics for Artificial Intelligence is included in the resources appendix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq2MCxXn3vg 


    GaiaFoundation isre-weavingthe basket of life withfoodand seedsovereignty,movingbeyondextractivism,supportingearthjurisprudence, sacred lands and waters. https://gaiafoundation.org


    GaiaTV, “is the largest online resource for consciousness-expanding videos.” They offer documentaries, films, series and classes, for a membership
    fee. https://www.gaia.com/


    The Goldback® is the world’s first physical, interchangeable, gold money, that is designed to accommodate even small transactions.


    Global Wisdom Foundation, "Unlock the power of wisdom. Connect with transformative moments through global visionaries and music. Explore our work, join our community, host a visionary, or contribute to our cause." Gary Malkin musician and founder said: "Remember who you are and what matters most." https://globalwisdomfoundation.org/


    Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist, international educator and renowned as a
    pioneer in the emerging paradigm based in science, social policy and human potential." https://greggbraden.com/


    Gwendolyn Awen Jones is “an award-winning author known for her books on healing and spirituality. She was born with a natural gift of spiritual sight that allows her to see the subtle energies beyond the normal physical world….She has trained to use her spiritual gifts for healing others.”


    Harald Kautz-Vella, is an independent scientific researcher based in Germany. His revealing work is founded on biophoton research and scalar physics. His story, which starts with hard-core chemistry and physics, exposes the hidden agenda of the anti-natural assimilation of all natural
    life forms on this planet, and at the end, towards spiritual transcendence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq3b6R7_M4g


    Harry Uhane Jim, Kahuna,healer, teacher. Author of WISESECRETS OF ALOHA, Harrywasborn and raised on Kauai, Hawaii, andhas been trained in the traditional apprentice style by the best known native Kahunas of the last 7 decades. His presentations carry authenticity and are known
    for unveiling profound ancient truths with wit and laughter. He evokes the Hawaiian experience of healing by raising your vibration.http://www.harryjimlomilomi.com/10385.html


    HealingTechnologies, listed here for you to investigate, I am not promoting them, just sharing my awareness that they exist: EES: https://eesystem.com/eesystem/ Radionics: https://radionics.us/ Rife Machines, MedBeds, A New Cancer Treatment: https://histosonics.com/our-technology/calledhttps://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-destroy-99-of-cancer-cells-in-the-lab-using-vibrating-molecules


    HeartMath Institute’s mission is “to co-create a kinder, more compassionate world by conducting interconnectivity research and providing heart-based, science-proven tools for raising humanity’s baseline consciousness from separation and discord to compassionate care and cooperation.”  https://www.heartmath.org/


    Hope Fitzgerald, Founder of the Wave Energy Center for Conscious Evolution, received a series of visions in 2010, which culminated into a watery, flowing figure "8.” This moving geometry is a 10th-dimensional energetic tool called the Infinity Wave sent to us by a benevolent Universe for upcoming tumultuous times (which are upon us now). Hope’s mission is to encourage individual and planetary awakening around the globe. https://www.linkedin.com/in/hope-fitzgerald-05664619


    IneliaBenz, says that she had “never incarnated on Earth before and she had never incarnated in the Universe before. She came straight out of creation and into a physical body elemental who, thankfully, was well versed and highly experienced in expressing physically on Earth. She was born free from self-importance, attachments, personal agendas, and free from the desire to evolve either physically or soul-wise. She has worked tirelessly to explore, investigate, develop, and disseminate tools, including meditations and exercises that are quick, mystery-free and highly effective — tools used to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet.”https://walkwithmenow.com/https://ineliabenz.com/


    Instituteof Integrated Regenerative Design,AllanBooker,is the founder and executive director who “trains professional design practitioners to create systems that are ecosystemic, biocompatible and regenerative.In addition to teaching Permaculture and Integrated Regenerative
    Design, the Institute also provides consulting and workshops on earthworks, watershed management, soil remediation, composting, forest gardening, holistic management of pastureland, keyline design, aquaculture and aquaponics, Net Zero buildings, off-grid energy systems, and natural buildingsystems.” https://learn.i2rd.co/


    Instituteof Noetic Sciences, they fund the Global Consciousness Project, “Throughmodern scientific inquiry, we seek to better understand a timeless truth that humanity is deeply interconnected." https://noetic.org/


    John Root,5 hadstudied the systems of life from outside of the mainstream for decades. HisNaturalLaw Jural assembly Communitiesare based upon everyone’s active consent, the desire of the individual to be free in a just society, with collaboration in an economy and currency that benefits everyone. Our current monetary system enriches the banking system, John’s model enriches the community that supports it. The only law is Do No
    Harm. Lookfor his book Freedom Justice Community on the website: https://www.justabundance.org/

    This link to Imagining to Manifesting is worth reading:


    Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji 5G Crisis, and hosts of the 5G Crisis Summit, interviewed 40 of the world's leading PhD, legal experts, researchers and public safety advocates. https://archive.org/details/the_5g_crisis_summit_2019_audio_only


    JudeCurrivan, PhD.,“Our purpose is to empower our conscious evolution through the understanding, experiencing and embodying of unitive awareness.” It “offers the latest unitive scientific breakthroughs, evidence of a conscious and evolutionary Universe, and fellow communities, networks, tools and examples of how we can understand, experience and embody unitive awareness." www.wholeworld-view.org


    KeepCash Alive, a push to maintain physical cash currency worldwide,which supports businesses instead of banks and large corporations.


    Kingdom An animated 12 minute film by Lubomir Arsov. Courageously waking up to our inner spark of Love and LIght.  



    LightfieldFoundation, Empowers people by helping them to connect themselves to their higher levels of consciousness using
    Lightfield™ technology… a coherent field that helps one to shed energy distortions at all levels. It de-stresses and harmonizes...physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Marc Newkirk and a team ofintuitives created the Lightfield, whichhas been serving to raise human consciousness since 2010. Sessions in the Lightfield are available in person, or remotely anywherein the world. The Lightfield unit is currently being moved from Massachusetts to the Awaken Center in Rhode Island, USA. https://www.lightfieldfoundation.com/about


    Local Harvest.Org, connects you to farms, farmers markets, CSA’s, restaurants, Co-ops, U-Pick, farmstands, wholesale and meat processors. You can use this website to start a local food buying club too. https://www.localharvest.org/locations/


    Marine Conservation Institute, “is dedicatedto securing permanent, strong protection for the oceans” themostimportant places for us and for future generations... They are focusing on protection of whole marine ecosystems... They are creating Blue Parks, marine protected areas for biodiversity protection.” https://marine-conservation.org/


    Michael Tellinger, is a “scientist, author, researcher, explorer, activist, humanitarian and founder of the Ubuntu Liberation Movement.”His books are: UBUNTU Contributionism, A Blueprint for Human Prosperity and Speaking into Existence:ThePower of Vowels and the Science of Attraction. https://www.michaeltellinger.com/ This 25 min. video illustrates the power of sound and voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij8T1QCPY7I.


    Mission Darkness, is made “by MOS Equipment, is a global leader in radio frequency (RF) shielding solutions. “Our product range includes mobile device analysis enclosures, shielded lockers, and specially designed faraday bags, all tailored for the secure handling of digital devices." https://mosequipment.com/pages/about-us


    Moolacoins from “Helios Farms, a group of farms that share an ethic and have created a milk-backed monetary system.” A model that others might
    be inspired by. New currencies are one way to support local autonomy and economies. https://www.heliosfarms.com/product-page/moolacoin


    Marjory Wildcraft and The Grow Network, a community of people and expert speakers focused on modern self-sufficient living. https://thegrownetwork.com/


    Napoleon Hill, author of Outwitting the Devil, the Secret to Freedom and Success. "Napoleon Hill wrote this book in 1938, just after publication of his all-time bestseller, Think and Grow Rich. This powerful tale has never been published, considered too controversial by his family and friends.

    Using his legendary ability to get to the root of human potential, Napoleon Hill digs deep to identify the greatest obstacles we face in
    reaching personal goals: fear, procrastination, anger, and jealousy, as tools of the Devil. These hidden methods of control can lead us to ruin,
    and Hill reveals the seven principles of good that will allow us to triumph over them and succeed." The list of things to teach children on pages 174-178 is worth the book. Anyone home-schooling their children will find this invaluable. Our children are the hope of the future. https://www.naphill.org/


    NonViolent Communication, is a “way of being in the world that has the purpose to serve life and to create connection in such a way that everyone’s needs can be met through natural care.” It is a way of asking questions, holding space and creating dialogue between people, it builds bridges between impossibly separated viewpoints and individuals. Developed by Marshall Rosenberg. https://www.cnvc.org/


    Organic Consumers Association, “anon profit, US-based network of more than two million consumers dedicated to safeguarding organic standards and promoting a healthy, just and regenerative system of food, farming, and commerce.” Ronnie Cummins is its founder and director. https://organicconsumers.org/about/


    Peace Pilgrim, Mildred Norman. Her Friends of Peace Pilgrim organization, sends out a free book to anyone who is interested in her life and writings which inspire peace on Earth. https://www.peacepilgrim.org/about-us


    Peak Prosperity, “The #1 Resilience Community," founded by Chris Martenson, PhD, an economic researcher and futurist specializing in
    energy and resource depletion, author of “the Crash Course and a popular and extremely well-regarded distillation of the
    interconnected forces in the Economy, Energy and the Environment that are shaping the future." https://peakprosperity.com/


    PennyKelly, author of The Revival- Path to A New Earth/New Humanis a handbook for transforming our present level of consciousness. It educates us to the level where we might live on this Earth in peace and in communion with Nature and each other. It requires us to deeply talk to each other and to dredge our minds and hearts for our true desires and values. It asks of us to take stock of what we are (and are not) doing and “what
    we could be doing and must be doing.” Penny’s experiences with off-planet beings, and their perspectives on humanity, help to shape her vision of where we need to be going on a New Earth. Why not start a study group of this book in your community, or make this book part of ahigh school or college curriculum? https://pennykelly.com/


    Permaculture, integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed loop systems seen in diverse natural systems. Permaculture studies and applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts at
    any scale.https://www.permaculturenews.org/what-is-permaculture/


    Privacy Academy with Glenn and Eric Meder, on-line privacy guides. https://privacyacademy.com/my-courses/


    Private Membership Associations, “PMA, A Private Membership Association is men and woman collectively asserting and standing upon their
    secured perfect rights to assemble and associate; their reserved authority; their pre-existing claim to absolute authority and control
    over the health of their own body, mind, spirit and rights. A “PMA” functions by the members acting as Men and Women in their real
    private character and capacity. “No State can make a law that impairs the obligation of a contract and therefore is without jurisdiction.



    Raymon Grace Foundation, Raymon Grace isa master dowser.His foundation’smission “is to educate people throughout the world on how to clean
    up water and be able to provide clean, drinkable water for theirfamilies and their communities.” 6 He has taught many how to dowse at a very advanced level. When people ask him if something is possible heresponds “try it.” He is a champion of everyone’s power to create,
    transform and mitigate what they don’t like in their environment.https://www.raymongracefoundation.org/ 


    Sacha Stone, articulate, truth teller, “former rock musician, shock poet activist, public speaker, publisher, writer and filmmaker. He
    established Humanitad in 1999 and is an outspoken advocate of human rights and natural justice, founding the International Tribunal for Natural Justice in 2015. He has instigated judicial commissions for thousands of residents committed to planetary emancipation.” www.sachastone.com


    Sociocracy,is a governance system, just like democracy or corporate governance methods, and isbest suited for organizations that want to self-govern based on the values of equality.This organization promotes education of this method of governance, which is suitable for communities and other organizations. https://www.sociocracyforall.org/sociocracy/https://www.sociocracyforall.org/sociocracy/


    Slim Sperling, was “an artist, scientist and inventor. He createdthe first Light-Life Ring in 1991.”7 His inventions are used for health improvement, reducing air pollution, improving plant growth, restoring soil and water, and reducing pesticide use. His devices cleared the pollution from Denver
    Colorado8i n an hour, (a story told in the book Slim Spurling’s Universe, by Cal Garrison). His wife Katharina continues to make his devices available. https://lightlifetechnology.com/


    Stefan Burns, Geo Scientist, Explorer and Entrepreneur, "The natural workings of our planet and the universe at large continuously fascinate me. From exploring the wilderness from a young age to earning a degree in geology in college, I’ve been driven to explore the nature of reality experientially and scientifically. This video explains how we are connected to the Earth. Youtube: 44 min. Solar Maximum is Raising The Frequency of the Entire Earth.


    Teach Communication with Nature Spirits for gardeners, foresters, geologists and others who interact with nature and her “resources.” We can
    develop new ways of communicating and supporting each other, a niche that you might fill on the New Earth.


    The American Society of Dowsers, is a non-profit organization that disseminates knowledge of dowsing (water witching, the discovery of lost articles or persons, and related para-psychological phenomena), development of its skills, and recognition for its achievements. https://dowsers.org/


    The Law For Mankind Knowledge Share, “Discover How To Set Your Law To Govern Your Life, So You Can Live Life On Your
    Terms Without Giving Away Yourself, Your Property Or Your Rights To Anyone Ever Again." https://thesovereignsway.com/courses/ Classesthat teach you the Law of the True Earth, in contrast to the legal system.


    The Ocean Cleanup, Boylan Slat went scuba diving when he was 15 and saw more plastic bags than fish, and thought, “why can’t we just
    clean this up?” His organization is cleaning the oceans and developing ocean cleaning technologies. Theirmission is to rid the world’s oceans of plastic and trash. https://theoceancleanup.com/


    The Secret Life of Plants, byPeter Thompkins and Christopher Bird is a bookfrom the 1960’s that chronicles how police detective placed a lie detector device on a plant, only to discover plants to be sentient, and able to communicate with humans. This book ought to be studiedi n schools and universities everywhere.


    Time Banks.org, Time Banking is aunique way of building community through trust, where members exchange services and depend on one another. You can earn credits by giving your time to help someone and then spending those earned credits receiving help in
    return. Everyone’s time is valued equally and one hour you give = one hourcredit earned. https://timebanks.org/


    Tom Brown, Jr., and The Tracker School, “a renowned tracker, teacher, and author. When Tom was only seven,
    Stalking Wolf (Grandfather), a Southern Lipan Apache elder, shaman and scout, began coyote teaching Tom in the skills of tracking,
    wilderness survival, and awareness. After Stalking Wolf's final walk, Tom spent the next ten years wandering the wilderness throughout the America's with no manufactured tools-in most cases not even a knife-perfecting these Grandfathers skills and teachings." The school teaches a closer connectionto the Earth, and the outdoor survival skills and philosophy that helps us remember harmony and balance with Creation. The classes teach a reverence for life and the land, and the spirit that moves through all things. www.trackerschool.com

    Tom has taught many fine teachers who also share Grandfather’s wisdom and skills including Rick Berry of 4EEE:Four Elements EarthEducation, https://www.4eee.org/ 


    Transformances are captivating films that weave spontaneous wisdom, evocative music, and stunning visuals to ignite creativity, deepen presence, and foster unity in a fragmented world. Co-created by Sarah McCrum and Gary Malkin, these moments of coherence are powerful catalysts, helping us listen more deeply, show up as our best selves, and collaborate more effectively, elevating teamwork and driving life-generative change. https://portalsofawe.com/Unity/


    Tree Sisters, “our vision is to ethically expand the green cover of our world and our mission is to work in harmony with trees and their communities, for the planet to survive and thrive. Projects protect endangered species, empower communities, reforest lands and create greenways for wildlife.” https://www.treesisters.org/


    UnitedPlant Savers, “Forthe research, education, and conservation of native medicinal plants, fungi, and their habitats." https://unitedplantsavers.org/


    VandanaShiva, Indian physicist and author of Terra Viva, scientist, activist and protector of biodiverse systems. She founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy (RFSTN), an organization devoted to developing sustainable methods of
    agriculture. https://navdanyainternational.org/our-staff/vandana-shiva/


    Veda Austin, “is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artist and author. She has dedicated the last 10 years observing and photographing the
    life of water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the Universe. She photographs water in its “state of creation,’ the space between liquid and ice. It is through her remarkable crystallographic photos that water
    reveals its awareness of not only Creation, but thought and intention through imagery. Veda brings a message of hope and joy from the
    very source of life itself. She says “Water is transparent, it knows no color, creed or religion. Water does not judge, nor does it label, it will enter the body of an ant as easily as it will enter the body of a king, or a homeless person or a tree or a dragonfly."https://www.vedaaustin.com/


    VedantaTeachers, area necessary aspect for truly receiving this means of knowledge of who we are as Consciousness. Some Vedanta teachings are mentioned in this book.

    JamesSwartz, teacher,and author of many books including: The Essence of Enlightenment, Vedanta, The Science of Consciousness.,https://www.shiningworld.com,

    SwamiSvatmananda, amodern-day teacher who was successful in the business world, prior to donning the orange robes and choosing the path of a teacher of Vedanta. He resides at an ashram in Saylorsbug, Pennsylvania, and teaches in Europe as well. Http://www.svaaji.com

    Swami Paramarthananda: A teacher of teachers, his recordings are filled with spiritual joy and
    great clarity. Recordings available at the Arsha Vidya Ashram bookstore inPennsylvania. https://www.avgbooks.org/


    Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958), a Swiss forester from a long line of foresters. His “abiding interest was to discover how to generate energy using
    Nature’s own methods.”9 Victor observed how fish can swim upstream with little effort due to the movement of water around their gills, creating a negative pressure zone as the water flows past the fish, and thus accelerates its ability to stay in place in the moving water. His keen observations inspired many generator designs and nature based solutions to human problems. Victor coinedthe term “Biologically Oriented Technology.”10 He observed that Nature uses implosion for energy generation, and humanity uses explosion. Implosion generates 127% more energy than explosion.11 The opposite of explosion (which expands the volume), implosion reduces the volume occupied and concentrates matter and energy.”


    WirelessEducation,CeciDoucette,founder and Education Services Director with the international non-profit, which has distilled the independent scientific literature and medical advisories into affordable 30-minute on-line courses for Schools, Families and Corporate Safety Instruction. wirelesseducation.org


    Yantra Farming, By harnessing the cosmic energies, it is possible to eliminate the use of fertilizers and pesticides. It is an ancient spiritual way of solving the current problems of farming and has the potential of bringing back the glory of the Earth. By inserting a Yantra device iin the soil, or even sand, plants can still grow well in an area of 100 meters, for 12 years. In the testing plots, growing Okra, the yield was 20% greater than convential farming. 1hr of the video is on the farming technique.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MjE--sAb_A

    Yuga Shift, The End Of The Kali Yuga & The impending Planetary Transformation, an extensively researched book by Bibhu Dev Misra. He weaves together the common threads that run through the Yuga Cycle doctrines of anicient cultures, with the science of today to predict important dates in the years ahead for us to prepare for, physically and more importantly: spiritually. https://www.bibhudevmisra.com/


    ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Footnotes to the Rays of Hope Section above.


    1Hidden Reality, The Biogeometry Physics of Quality, the science of subtle
    energy and life force, Dr. Ibrahim Karim, Pg 21, Published 2022 by
    Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim, Biogeometry Energy Systems LLc.


    2www.WhatIsOrmus.com and www.OrmusMinerals.com, OM By: Ray and Ruth Hamilton, Ormus Minerals Inc. P. O. Box 513,
    Caldwell, Idaho 83651, an ebook.

    3National Press Club Event with Dr Steven Greer, Disclosure 2.0, UFO / UAP
    Disclosure, June 12, 2023, on Rumble.

    41975, the Findhorn Foundation


    5Natural law and Human Nature LIVE interview of Joh Root. 3/16/23, Governing
    Ourselves Podcast, Joe Charter, Rumble.com, #infowindnewnews


    6Raymon Grace Foundation website https://www.raymongracefoundation.org/  


    7Slim Spurling Light-Life Technology brochure, Harmonizing the world- one community at a time. www.LightLifeTechnology.com,

    8Pgs 143-149, Slim Spurling’s Universe, by Cal Garrison, 2004 by IX-EL Publishing LLC


    9Hidden Nature, the startling insights of Viktor Schauberger, by Alick


    10Hidden Nature, the startling insights of Viktor Schauberger, by Alick
    Bartholomew, pg. 266.


    11HidHidden Nature, the startling insights of Viktor Schauberger, by Alick
    Bartholomew, pg 249.

    ARTICLES by Hope


    Inner Self Magazine


    https://innerself.com/personal/spirituality-mindfulness/inspiration/30670-awaken-to-love.htmlYou Are Called to Awaken to Love's New Earth


    Author: Hope Ives Mauran


    Learn how to embrace love and create a more positive and connected world. Discover the excitement and opportunities of awakening to love's New Earth. An excerpt of the original article.



    broken image

    Betty J. Eadie's Embraced by the Light, a book about a near death experience, opened me up to the possibility that there was more to life than meets the eye. Until that point, I had been an "I need to see it to believe it" kind of person. From that opening, I read over a hundred spiritual books, the most impactful of which was Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East series by Baird T. Spalding, a spiritual classic illustrating a higher possibility for human life. I was also struck deeply by Gary Renard's words in his audio book The Disappearance Of The Universe, when he said "the separation from God never occurred." I said to my companion at the time- “that is the highest teaching I have ever heard".


    After a channeled reading in 1998 said that I was a psychic and an artist, I began communicating with my spirit guides and painting. I call myself a translator of wisdom from other dimensions, and have written five books as a result: Love's new Earth, Awakening to Our Collective True Nature as Love (2024); The Key To Love, A Teaching from The Beings of Light for an Enlightened Reality of Earth (2016); Being The Miracle Of Love, Conversations With Jesus (2013); Be the Second Coming, Guidebook to the Embodiment of the Christ Within: a Personal Journey, Our Collective Destiny (2012), and Where the Wisdom Lies: A Message from Nature’s Small Creatures (2006). I have also recorded an audio CD, entitled Emotional Transformation: Learn to Speak the Language of Creation (2005). I am grateful to share these inspiring messages of non-duality and unconditional love.

    Some of my artwork, which I describe as "eco-spiritual modified landscapes", guided drawings and an illustration of the spiritual journey may be seen on this website.

    For a time, I also created The Healing Bed, a bed in the ground, a received design. I also did a weekly radio show with John Flowers called Voice For The Miracle in 2014 and 2015. Blessed with many wonderful teachers, I have studied Biogeometry with Dr. Ibrahim Karim, Hawaiian Temple Healing with Kahu Abraham Kawai’i, Lomi Lomi with Harry Uhane Jim, Isha Yoga with Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, The 13 Faces of the Divine Feminine with Ariel Spilsbury, The Evolutionary Life Transformation Program with Craig Hamilton, The Course in Miracles, and The Journeys of Profound Healing, Profound Awakening Profound Union and Enlightened Awareness with Her Holiness Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi. And finally, Vedanta, which has been called the "knowledge to end the search for knowledge." with Ramji (James Swartz) and Swamiji Svatmananda. In the spring of 2020, I found Dr Jaqueline Hobbs "Oracle Girl" and the purification space.

    The higher frequency of the Earth, and this world situation that cannot be ignored are calling me and all of us to create anew. We are being asked to create a life of caring, connection, alignment, and Pure Love, in tandem with Mother Earth and with respect for Nature's principles. I am finding renewed purpose in growing food in my garden, and working towards self-sufficiency and greater independence from centrally controlled power structures.


    My birth name is Hope, my given name is Freedom. Given by my higher self, a reminder to me and to all of us, that we are free and powerful beings already and always.


    I hope the artwork, books, blogs, cd, and the Healing Bed on this website inspire more Love, awareness of our interconnectedness, and a deepler connection to the Earth... our host and sacred partner.


    I would love to share my paintings with others, if you have a space where they might be shown,

    contact me via the form below.

    Please reach just out to say “Hi". It's lovely to connect with others on this journey!


    Your email address will not be shared


    These resources have been invaluable to me, perhaps you will enjoy them too.





    Embodying more pure love on the planet. Purifying our own Source connection.

    Join the reboot group for essential information in these times of transformation.




    The knowledge to end the search for knowledge. Resources to aid you

    in your understanding of the non-dual awareness Self... i.e. who you/we truly are.




    Dr. Ibrahim Karim, an Egyptian Architect, founder of biogeometry, is an amazing resource for understanding sacred geometry and for empowered interaction with nature. Dr. Robert Gilbert of Vesica.org is an excellent teacher of Biogeometry and many other esoteric and scientific topics.