Weaving together stories, experiences and wisdom from many sources, Love’s New Earth is a practical, tactical and empowering handbook for these times. By redefining who we are, where we live and reminding us of the laws of creation here on Earth, the book invites us to remember how powerful we are as visionaries and creators. It breaks the spell of our human limitations and paints a high frequency path to a positive future.
A revolution of Love is naturally occurring as the Earth’s frequency is rising. At the same time, Humanity stands on the precipice of radical and alarming global changes planned for 2030. Each of us has an important role to play as our choices now will determine how much freedom, peace and love we, our children and grandchildren will enjoy.
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This time on Earth is humanity’s greatest opportunity, it is why we are here, and Love’s New Earth reveals the big picture as it pulls together important pieces that have been missing from our awareness. Love’s New Earth inspires and motivates us to make the radical changes, that these pivotal times are calling for as we stand up and transform our world into the world we know in our hearts is possible.
The Rays of Hope and Reasons to Prevail listing includes many individuals, organizations, ideas and resources for creating a cleaner, healthier and more loving world. The Appendix of Resources, includes a Declaration of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence, The Declaration of Independence, The Hopi Prophecy, The Nuremburg Code and more helpful guiding documents.
Publicist Information: Sara Sgarlat | Sgarlat Publicity | sgarlatpublicity@comcast.net